Joe Parkos
Field Station Director
Illinois Natural History Survey

The mission of our lab is to (1) conduct research that advances science needed for effective conservation and management of fish and aquatic ecosystems, (2) provide mentorship and training for the next generation of professional biologists, and (3) engage the public through outreach and collaborative activities. The research activities of our group fall along the interface between basic and applied ecology and combine field studies with manipulative experiments. Recreational fisheries, habitat management, and aquatic invasive species form the applied contexts of most of our research. Our projects also typically involve partnerships with colleagues from county, state, and federal agencies, as well as valuable participation from NGOs and local fishing groups.
Our research activities are conducted from a constellation of three Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) field stations, the Kaskaskia, Ridge Lake, and Sam Parr Biological Stations. These facilities are all located adjacent to reservoirs where we conduct field research and put us in close contact with the angling communities of rural Illinois.
I am always looking for people who are intellectually curious, take pride in working hard, are drawn to challenges, interested in aquatic ecology, and enjoy the dynamic of working in teams. If you think you are interested in joining the group, feel free to contact me. I am an affiliate faculty member at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and often have openings for new graduate students. We also offer undergraduate internships in the summer, and when positions are available, we hire technical staff to work at the stations.